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Robert Quillen

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“Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument an exchange of ignorance.” – ROBERT QUILLEN

"Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument an exchange of ignorance." - Robert Quillen

The quote by Robert Quillen highlights the contrasting nature of discussion and argumentation. Robert Quillen suggests that through discussion, individuals engage in a constructive exchange where knowledge is shared and expanded. On the other hand, argumentation tends to perpetuate ignorance as it often becomes a battle of opposing viewpoints without genuine exchange or willingness to learn from one another. This Robert Quillen quote emphasizes the importance of open-minded and respectful dialogue, where individuals can learn from each other’s perspectives and collectively deepen their understanding. It serves as a reminder to approach conversations with the intention of gaining knowledge rather than getting caught in fruitless disputes fueled by ego or closed-mindedness. By embracing meaningful discussions, we foster an environment of intellectual growth and collaboration, leaving room for learning, empathy, and the expansion of knowledge.

Find Robert Quillen on AMAZON.

Other Robert Quillen quotes are HERE.

other quotes on attitude.

"Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument an exchange of ignorance." – Robert Quillen Click To Tweet

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