Absence Archives - QUOTES http://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/tag/absence/ Quotes Collection of This Grandpa Blogs Sun, 01 Sep 2024 23:51:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Q.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Absence Archives - QUOTES http://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/tag/absence/ 32 32 152855203 “How can I move on when my heart is still in the same place I left it?” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/how-can-i-move-on-when-my-heart-is-still-in-the-same-place-i-left-it/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/how-can-i-move-on-when-my-heart-is-still-in-the-same-place-i-left-it/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 05:47:10 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4157 “How can I move on when my heart is still in the same place I left it?”

“How can I move on when my heart is still in the same place I...

The post “How can I move on when my heart is still in the same place I left it?” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/how-can-i-move-on-when-my-heart-is-still-in-the-same-place-i-left-it/feed/ 0 4157
“The joy of meeting pays the pangs of absence; else who could bear it?” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-joy-of-meeting-pays-the-pangs-of-absence/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-joy-of-meeting-pays-the-pangs-of-absence/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 05:40:09 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4152 “The joy of meeting pays the pangs of absence; else who could bear it?”

“The joy of meeting pays the pangs of absence; else who could bear it?” –...

The post “The joy of meeting pays the pangs of absence; else who could bear it?” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-joy-of-meeting-pays-the-pangs-of-absence/feed/ 0 4152
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/how-lucky-i-am-to-have-something-that-makes-saying-goodbye-so-hard/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/how-lucky-i-am-to-have-something-that-makes-saying-goodbye-so-hard/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 05:33:52 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4146 “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A....

The post “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/how-lucky-i-am-to-have-something-that-makes-saying-goodbye-so-hard/feed/ 0 4146
“The absence of a loved one is felt, not only in their presence but in their absence as well.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-absence-of-a-loved-one-is-felt-not-only-in-their-presence-but-in-their-absence-as-well-unknown/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-absence-of-a-loved-one-is-felt-not-only-in-their-presence-but-in-their-absence-as-well-unknown/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 04:52:59 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4138 “The absence of a loved one is felt, not only in their presence but in their absence as well.”

“The absence of a loved one is felt, not only in their presence but in...

The post “The absence of a loved one is felt, not only in their presence but in their absence as well.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-absence-of-a-loved-one-is-felt-not-only-in-their-presence-but-in-their-absence-as-well-unknown/feed/ 0 4138
“The art of love is largely the art of persistence.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-art-of-love-is-largely-the-art-of-persistence/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-art-of-love-is-largely-the-art-of-persistence/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 04:42:19 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4129 “The art of love is largely the art of persistence.”

“The art of love is largely the art of persistence.” – ALBERT ELLIS Albert Ellis’s...

The post “The art of love is largely the art of persistence.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-art-of-love-is-largely-the-art-of-persistence/feed/ 0 4129
“The pain of the absence is not felt until the presence of love is gone.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-pain-of-the-absence-is-not-felt-until-the-presence-of-love-is-gone/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-pain-of-the-absence-is-not-felt-until-the-presence-of-love-is-gone/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 04:29:57 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4124 “The pain of the absence is not felt until the presence of love is gone.”

“The pain of the absence is not felt until the presence of love is gone.”...

The post “The pain of the absence is not felt until the presence of love is gone.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-pain-of-the-absence-is-not-felt-until-the-presence-of-love-is-gone/feed/ 0 4124
“The worst kind of absence is the one that is felt even when someone is present.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-worst-kind-of-absence-is-the-one-that-is-felt-even-when-someone-is-present-unknown/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-worst-kind-of-absence-is-the-one-that-is-felt-even-when-someone-is-present-unknown/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 04:23:21 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4116 “The worst kind of absence is the one that is felt even when someone is present.”

“The worst kind of absence is the one that is felt even when someone is...

The post “The worst kind of absence is the one that is felt even when someone is present.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/the-worst-kind-of-absence-is-the-one-that-is-felt-even-when-someone-is-present-unknown/feed/ 0 4116
“True love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/true-love-is-missing-someone-whenever-youre-apart-but-somehow-feeling-warm-inside-because-youre-close-in-heart-kay-knudsen/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/true-love-is-missing-someone-whenever-youre-apart-but-somehow-feeling-warm-inside-because-youre-close-in-heart-kay-knudsen/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 04:18:32 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4111 “True love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.”

“True love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re...

The post “True love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/true-love-is-missing-someone-whenever-youre-apart-but-somehow-feeling-warm-inside-because-youre-close-in-heart-kay-knudsen/feed/ 0 4111
“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/when-someone-you-love-becomes-a-memory-the-memory-becomes-a-treasure/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/when-someone-you-love-becomes-a-memory-the-memory-becomes-a-treasure/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 03:59:01 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=4102 “When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” – UNKNOWN The...

The post “When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/when-someone-you-love-becomes-a-memory-the-memory-becomes-a-treasure/feed/ 0 4102
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder/ https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder/#respond Wed, 17 May 2023 03:53:08 +0000 https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/?p=2848 “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” – THOMAS HAYNES BAYLY This quote, attributed to Thomas...

The post “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” first appeared on QUOTES and is written by .

https://quotes.thisgrandpablogs.com/absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder/feed/ 0 2848