Quotes Collection of This Grandpa Blogs
Alan Cohen

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“To be content means that you realize you contain what you seek.” – ALAN COHEN

To be content means that you realize you contain what you seek

The quote by Alan Cohen highlights the concept of finding fulfillment and satisfaction from within oneself. Alan Cohen suggests that true contentment comes from recognizing that the qualities, resources, and happiness we seek are already present within us. Rather than constantly searching externally for validation or material possessions, contentment comes from understanding that we possess the power to create happiness and fulfillment from within. The Alan Cohen quote encourages self-awareness and self-acceptance, reminding us that we are complete and whole as we are, and that genuine contentment arises when we tap into our inner resources and recognize our own inherent worth. It serves as a reminder to seek happiness from within, embracing gratitude and recognizing the abundance that resides within our own being.

Find Alan Cohen on AMAZON.


Other Alan Cohen quotes are HERE.

Other quotes on HAPPINESS.

"To be content means that you realize you contain what you seek." – Alan Cohen Click To Tweet

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